— BTS stills for ‘Grove of Giants’.
I joined lutruwita-based filmmaker Bree Sanders during the filming of her acclaimed short climate documentary ‘Grove of Giants’ to capture behind the scenes stills. We were welcomed onto Country by palawa man Danny Gardner.
Bree followed Dr Jen Sanger and Steve Pearce (The Tree Projects), in their latest attempt to save logging coupe DN7B, or as they call it, ‘The Huon Valley Grove of Giants’, in southern lutruwita/Tasmania. They enlisted the help of passionate climbers & volunteers to conduct a comprehensive carbon survey of the area.
Could this be the most carbon dense patch of forest in Tasmania? And if so, could that be enough to convince logging agencies and the government to formally protect this ‘Grove of Giants.’
The film was a finalist for Sydney Film Festival Sustainable Future Award, BOFA’s Inspiring Change Short Film Competition and Bloomberg Green Docs.